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Financial advice in your 30s and 40s


With many people choosing to get married and/or have children later in life, your 30s and 40s are often the time when you start thinking about ‘settling down’.  

By now you’re probably well established in your career, which can help you afford a great lifestyle.

The big challenge is how to maintain that lifestyle when it comes time to take on more debt, or take time out of the workforce to raise a family.

What financial advice can do for you

A financial planner can help you get a clearer picture of your current financial position, so you know exactly where you stand. Better still, they can help you put strategies in place to prepare for the next phase of your life.

Some of the common ways a financial planner may be able to help include:

Not all of these strategies will apply to everyone. But the benefit of seeing a financial planner is that you can get personal advice that’s tailored to you – so you can be confident you’re doing what’s best for your future.