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What are the hidden costs of buying a new car?


When it comes time to buy a new car, you probably spend a great deal of time scouring the market for the best possible deal you can find. You're searching local merchants, auctions, perhaps even going online to see if there are discounts or deals you're not aware of. All the while, you're looking to find the lowest possible price.

If you don't plan effectively for these extra dollars, you may be spending a bit more than you initially planned. It helps, therefore, to understand some of the fees out there and know how they factor in.

What are the hidden costs?

A large part of the car shopping process involves hunting for the lowest possible sticker price, but there may be more costs to consider that you won't see on the sticker. Some of the hidden expenses include:

You might think you've found a great deal on a car, but have you considered all of the potential costs?

How should you adjust?

It's possible that, after you've added up the whole cost of obtaining and keeping various vehicles, you may find it necessary to change your buying strategy. As you comparison-shop the car market, looking for the best deals, consider comparing the other costs as well. You may decide that it makes more sense to use the "drive away" price of a car rather than the manufacturer's list price4.

Figuring this out may require some research. After all, there can be many variables to consider. How do the rules and regulations change based on the state you're shopping in? What about insurance - what factors influence your premiums?

Consider all the options as you go about making your purchasing decision. Consider various types of cars, dealerships and regions around Australia. You never know where your mind finds an option that ultimately works out best for your finances.


1 - NSW Roads and Maritime
2 - NSW Government Office of State Revenue
3 - ASIC's MoneySmart
4 - The NRMA Blog


Lending criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply to IMB Bank New Car Loans and other personal loans.