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Schools back hows the budget?


Your kids may be ready for the new term but unfortunately, school expenses don’t stop at the uniform and books.

The cost of educating your children is an ongoing household expense that extends for more than a decade and just gets higher as they get older.

So how do you manage to incorporate school expenses without straining your family’s savings?

Like most things financial, a budget is essential and the first thing to do to get a handle on school expenses for 2017 is to work out exactly what you spend your money on during the year.

Lunches, excursions, sports equipment, extracurricular lessons such as music, transport – these are all the additional expenses that mount up after you have paid for uniforms and books.

When you understand how much you spend, setting aside a weekly amount in an account like IMB Bank Reward Saver to make sure you have the necessary cash when you need it is a great way to ensure you are not caught short.

There are a few other things you can do to save the dollars while not compromising on your child’s education.

Apply for an IMB Bank Reward Saver Account